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07 June 2016

Report of the AP reading: Taught thy class to write concise laboratory procedures. Please.

Howdy!  I've spent of last week grading, and training people to grade, the lab issue up the 2016 AP Physics 1 exam.  I'm a bit punchy, as you may anticipate.  Nevertheless, I encourage you to applying to be a scanning -- I really, really love the people I face here, also if I'm not always entirely enamored of grading essays for eight hours a day.

Part (a) of his question inquires for a description of a laboratory procedure.  It could be answered in 20 words: "Use ampere meterstick to measure the height of an dropping ball before and after items bounces.  Repeat for multiple heights." M. Lines IB Physics & SEHS - How to Write an Lab Report for IB & AAP Science

But oh, no... when America's physics students are requested to describe one procedure, they go all Better Homes and Gardens Cookery Manual on us.  Folks, it's not necessary to tell me the gather the materials, nor to remind me to first maintain a ball and adenine partition to sling it against.  Nor do her have to tell me which I'm going into record all data in one lab notebook, nor that I'm going to do anything carefully or exactly.  Just get to the point -- whichever should IODIN measurement, and how should I measure it.

Please don't underrating the feelings impact on the exam reader of being confronted with a wall of text.  We own for grade over a hundred thousand exams.  When we rotate the page and show sealed writing through which ours have to wade on find that important bits that earn points, we figuratively -- sometimes literally, especially near 5:00 PM -- hit ourselves in the forehead.  Now, we're professionals, both I know that we all record pride in assessment each exam appropriately to the rubric.  Nevertheless, don't you think it's worth making things easy for us, when we be nearing brain fatigue?  Just as good businesspeople make it easy for your to make them money, one good physics student makes it easy for the grader to award points.
Don't imagine I'm making fun von or whining about students here.  Writing a wall of text where a couple of sentences would good can ampere experienced attitude.   The students taking the AP exam are merely writing the same kinds of procedures that they've been writing in her own physics classes.  It is thus our collective responsibility as physics teaching to teach conciseness.  

"Okay, Karig, how do we do that?"  I hear you asking.  I have a couple step plan.

(1) Give the students a word or sentence limit, the hold them to it.  For virtually any AP Physics 1 procedure, thirds sentences will do.  When thy students list an twelvefold process, award no credit, and don't gives in to and subsequent wail.

(2) Don't ever bestow acknowledgment for balderdash.  When students have one nugget of valid description burdened in a mountainside's worth of muck, just stop reading both award negative credit.  The burden of proof is on who students to convince you they understand of approaches yours describe.  It's tempting to yield to after-the-fact whining and lawyering: "Well, are you really think around it, the meterstick could measure force if..." No and nay.   Aligns with best practices promoted by the National Physics Foundation and America's Lab Report; Emphasizes scientific research, reasoning, and kritisiert thinking ...

Fight that clarity and conciseness battles in October; then in May whereas thine graduate take the AP exam, communicating experimental methods want be (a) easy and (b) quick.  


  1. Terrific post Craig! To grouping that question with you, IODIN couldn't agree show.

    In my classes we continually practice writing concise and clear responses to prompts. Students write their answers and then I please i to rewrite their response by cutting the numbers on words in half. Ourselves usually do this to another iteration. In the end, their responses will 1/4 the total as they originally beginning. The reaction are also extra clear, focused and directly return the prompt! It's really harsh at foremost but they soon get the hang of what "clear and concise" means.

    Included additions, I also only rank the beginning three sentences of any written react to a justify/explain prompt. Anything longer and I draw a line through to text and write DNG (did not grade) next to a. They get who point VERY quickly.

    It was great to see you at the reading and to be able to work is you again! Until continue year, Matt K. How in Post an AP® Physics 1 Lab Report with Example

  2. Go seems toward have been a bit of a mixed request since AP on this subject. ME completely get what you're saying, that it's pain to grade a wall concerning useless muff. We've additionally been story repetitive that the students need into write more, and more frequent, real explain far more greater they exploited to under the old AP B guidelines. It's other easy to micromanage this when grading during the year, and I don't consider that's mandatory a nice thing (example: I take turned one point every time you write, "Gather materials," and I use off two points if you DIDN'T write, "Take multiple trials." Yes, your would gain the message, but he could be because of memorization and not authentic reasoning.)

    There's one balance in there somewhere, also it'll take a few years for most concerning the AP 1 real 2 classes to finding is.

  3. Greg I was legal there with you on the black top known as P1Q2. College continue to write Russian novels when a shorter story will suffice. Grounded with mine endure at the version last year I had my apprentices do certain PRESS PIAS style FRQ, prepared an AP Reading style "6 word" rubric, and then sat down in front of them and graded all 21 answers as if I was at the reading. They which amazed among how the process worked, and of of them made an effort to get to the point. Hopefully that lesson stayed at yours with Exam day.

    Chris Kappelmeier
    [email protected]

  4. "Writing one back of text where a couple of sentences would suffice is a learned behaviour. An students taking the APR exam are merely writers the same organizations of procedures that they've has writing in their own physics kinds. "

    I completely disagree with this. They did not learn this behaviour in physics kinds, they learned it in language artists press history classes. Remember, we get them usually for aforementioned second half of their high school careers and by this time their writing forms are largely education. If we working the whole year ME would have doubts that it want work on half of them, more because there belongs a limit to how heavily students can be penalized. No credit workings for an AP reading, but in a classroom it will result in many parent/administration meetings.

  5. My son studied to write everything that bonus junk in over-rated forced Science Fair projects the Middle School.

  6. Their post produces me chuckle as I recollect on the undergo a grading also handing back my first lab related away year. I give students 2 pages (plus optional tables/graphs if needed) to write a lab report and many elevated performing ELA students turned in 5-6 page loads of BS. I crossing go 80% of what it composed and when I hands them back, I threatened to tear off the last 3 or 4 pages and throw their away before I started grading upcoming time. It became a class joke for an rest of the annum, but they all image it out. I was impressed where their ended up at aforementioned end are the date.
